A quick trip up to Stub Stewart State Park for a week. Getting a weekend reservation anywhere has been impossible this summer, so Todd decided to give working remotely a try. Theoretically, as long as he has a decent connection, it shouldn’t matter where “home” is. This park is just an hour from our home and it has great cell service so it was a perfect place to experiment.

It was a different experience for sure! For us camping has always been a small adventure. Typically we explore little towns, eat at new restaurants, visit local shops and find plenty of time to relax – Things that we’re not doing so much during the pandemic. Working 9-10 hours also limits what you can do on a given day. Working on the road always looks glamorous – but I think we experienced a bit of reality during this trip.

It’s certainly nice to have this opportunity though. We’re lucky that we can pack up our own small home and get a change of scenery. We’re planning on exploring this travel/work option a bit more in the fall when the summer crowds thin out a bit.

East campground still closed so Cooper had plenty of space to get used to his new ride!

It wasn’t a typical camping trip for us, but we still saw some pretty scenery in the evenings and returned home with plenty of happy memories.