A very much needed quiet weekend in the midst of all the excitement and confusion of a new school year!

We really should have stayed home to clean house, make a Costco run, wash windows and all the other chores we’ve neglected to do this summer while we were out traveling and enjoying ourselves….but…..we decided to take advantage of one more perfect Oregon weekend! I’m glad we did! The ironing piles, dust bunnies and dirty windows were waiting for us the following weekend 🙂

Serene sunset at Trillium Lake with reflection of Mt. Hood

Perfect September weather!

Just about as good as it gets!

Highlight of the weekend  (besides the pretty sunset)- Todd found a Guinness Beer Mug in the local grocery store for $2.00. Ever since he visited Ireland last spring on a business trip, Guinness has been his beer of choice. He’s ready to whisk me away to Ireland just so I can enjoy a Guinness on tap with him in a local pub…I’m not even fond of beer!

A happy husband!

Small signs that autumn is just around the corner…

Like I said…just a quiet weekend. We ate good food, read good books and enjoyed a pretty sunset. Enough that we were refreshed and ready to start the week again Monday morning! Life is good!!